Call us to schedule a meeting.

Beth: 319-551-8692 | Katie: 319-327-7992


What Are Mortgage Points?

The interest rate on your mortgage will have a major impact on the total amount youll pay over the life of the loan. If youre buying a home that you plan to live for a long time, reducing your interest rate by purchasing mortgage points could allow you to save tens of...

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Understanding Homeowners Insurance

First-time homeowners are faced with many realities of being “an adult, and one of the things that comes with owning a new home is making sure you have proper insurance. But not all insurances are the same.Just because you have insurance on your home doesn’t mean...

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Do You Need a Job to Get a Mortgage?

If you’re between jobs or retired"or not working and considering retirement"you can still buy a home and get a mortgage that will require you to make monthly payments.While you don’t need a job to get a mortgage, what you do need is income. And there are many types of...

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What Are Mortgage Points?

The interest rate on your mortgage will have a major impact on the total amount youll pay over the life of the loan. If youre buying a home that you plan to live for a long time, reducing your interest rate by purchasing mortgage points could allow you to save tens of...

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Understanding Homeowners Insurance

First-time homeowners are faced with many realities of being “an adult, and one of the things that comes with owning a new home is making sure you have proper insurance. But not all insurances are the same.Just because you have insurance on your home doesn’t mean...

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Do You Need a Job to Get a Mortgage?

If you’re between jobs or retired"or not working and considering retirement"you can still buy a home and get a mortgage that will require you to make monthly payments.While you don’t need a job to get a mortgage, what you do need is income. And there are many types of...

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