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Beth: 319-551-8692 | Katie: 319-327-7992


5 Hacks to Pay Your Mortgage

A mortgage payment can easily be the biggest bill in a monthly budget. Coming up with that money can be easy in some months and more difficult in others. Turning those difficult months into easier ones is possible with a few tactics.Here are five hacks to help make...

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What Are Mortgage Points?

The interest rate on your mortgage will have a major impact on the total amount youll pay over the life of the loan. If youre buying a home that you plan to live for a long time, reducing your interest rate by purchasing mortgage points could allow you to save tens of...

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Is an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage a Good Idea?

If you’re shopping for a mortgage, you need to decide whether to choose one with a fixed or adjustable interest rate. An adjustable-rate mortgage, or ARM, might be a good idea if you’re only planning to stay in your home for a short period of time, but you need to ask...

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The Homebuyer’s Mortgage Dictionary

Knowing that you’re ready to buy a home can be an exhilarating feeling, except it’s often followed by panic. While experience is the best teacher, there are some things you can do to regain control of the home-buying experience. One of them is getting accustomed to...

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5 Hacks to Pay Your Mortgage

A mortgage payment can easily be the biggest bill in a monthly budget. Coming up with that money can be easy in some months and more difficult in others. Turning those difficult months into easier ones is possible with a few tactics.Here are five hacks to help make...

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What Are Mortgage Points?

The interest rate on your mortgage will have a major impact on the total amount youll pay over the life of the loan. If youre buying a home that you plan to live for a long time, reducing your interest rate by purchasing mortgage points could allow you to save tens of...

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Is an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage a Good Idea?

If you’re shopping for a mortgage, you need to decide whether to choose one with a fixed or adjustable interest rate. An adjustable-rate mortgage, or ARM, might be a good idea if you’re only planning to stay in your home for a short period of time, but you need to ask...

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The Homebuyer’s Mortgage Dictionary

Knowing that you’re ready to buy a home can be an exhilarating feeling, except it’s often followed by panic. While experience is the best teacher, there are some things you can do to regain control of the home-buying experience. One of them is getting accustomed to...

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