Call us to schedule a meeting.

Beth: 319-551-8692 | Katie: 319-327-7992


4 Ways to Win in a Seller’s Market

Buying a home in a sellers market can be difficult, but it doesnt have to be impossible.A sellers market occurs when there is a low inventory of homes for sale and a large number of buyers creating high demand. It can lead to competitive bidding and high prices.A real...

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What Should You Do If You Inherit a Home?

When inheriting a home, some people have mixed feelings about what to do with the property, especially if it has sentimental value.You could move into the home if it meets your familys needs, but beware of maintenance costs.If you have a small business, the home might...

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4 Ways to Win in a Seller’s Market

Buying a home in a sellers market can be difficult, but it doesnt have to be impossible.A sellers market occurs when there is a low inventory of homes for sale and a large number of buyers creating high demand. It can lead to competitive bidding and high prices.A real...

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What Should You Do If You Inherit a Home?

When inheriting a home, some people have mixed feelings about what to do with the property, especially if it has sentimental value.You could move into the home if it meets your familys needs, but beware of maintenance costs.If you have a small business, the home might...

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