Credit cards are helpful and convenient.Unless you use them wisely, though, you could find yourself in financial trouble.Charge responsibly by using a credit card only for items you need, rather than want, and for emergency situations.Dont max out cards, or risk...
Call us to schedule a meeting.
Beth: 319-551-8692 | Katie: 319-327-7992
5 Tips for That Garage Clean-Out
For many of us, cleaning out our garage is no simple afternoon task. Most garages hold years of accumulated and forgotten items, and clearing them out is a serious job. Below are five tips to help you make the most of the big clean-out.Pick a date. To avoid...
How to Care for Laminate Floors
Published with permission from RISMedia.
How to Appeal a Property Tax Assessment
The amount due on a property tax bill is obviously the main thing that catches a homeowner’s eye"but there are other parts of the bill that should be checked for errors and confirmed as updated.Here are some ways to review your property tax bill and how to appeal...
4 Types of Luxurious Neighborhoods You’ll Find in a City
Here are four types of city neighborhoods that youre likely to come across wherever youre looking for your next home.Central Business DistrictThese neighborhoods are often among the most sought-after because theyre located right in the heart of the city.Historic...
4 Ways to Win in a Seller’s Market
Buying a home in a sellers market can be difficult, but it doesnt have to be impossible.A sellers market occurs when there is a low inventory of homes for sale and a large number of buyers creating high demand. It can lead to competitive bidding and high prices.A real...
[VIDEO] Shedding Some Light on the Local Real Estate Market
Cedar Rapids/Marion IA Real Estate Market Update_1st qtr 2024 Beth Brockette, of Brockette Homes with Ruhl&Ruhl REALTORS, is here to give you an update on the real estate market as we head into spring. Since about 2018 or 2019, we started seeing a big change in...
4 Ways to Turn Your Bedroom into a Good-Night’s-Sleep Enabler
Just because bedrooms are not usually the first thing people see when walking into a home, it doesnt mean theyre not worthy of some love. There is no better investment than one which gives you peace of mind, and a well-equipped bedroom can give you even more than...
Houseplants for a Healthier Home
Studies show that plants canIncrease o2Most plants release oxygen throughout the day, but some varieties, like orchids and Gerbera daisies, release oxygen at night, too.They might help you sleep better.Improve air qualityPlants help remove toxins that can cause...
Homeowners Insurance: Know What’s Covered
If you plan to lead a conventional life, odds are you will need insurance. Youll need health insurance, car insurance, and eventually home insurance. The latter is often the most perplexing since we have no prior experience with it as we do with health insurance.What...
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We regularly send out blog articles and newsletters about real estate, healthy homes, green homes and other home ownership topics.
How to Use Credit Cards Wisely
Credit cards are helpful and convenient.Unless you use them wisely, though, you could find yourself in financial trouble.Charge responsibly by using a credit card only for items you need, rather than want, and for emergency situations.Dont max out cards, or risk...
5 Tips for That Garage Clean-Out
For many of us, cleaning out our garage is no simple afternoon task. Most garages hold years of accumulated and forgotten items, and clearing them out is a serious job. Below are five tips to help you make the most of the big clean-out.Pick a date. To avoid...
How to Care for Laminate Floors
Published with permission from RISMedia.
How to Appeal a Property Tax Assessment
The amount due on a property tax bill is obviously the main thing that catches a homeowner’s eye"but there are other parts of the bill that should be checked for errors and confirmed as updated.Here are some ways to review your property tax bill and how to appeal...
4 Types of Luxurious Neighborhoods You’ll Find in a City
Here are four types of city neighborhoods that youre likely to come across wherever youre looking for your next home.Central Business DistrictThese neighborhoods are often among the most sought-after because theyre located right in the heart of the city.Historic...
4 Ways to Win in a Seller’s Market
Buying a home in a sellers market can be difficult, but it doesnt have to be impossible.A sellers market occurs when there is a low inventory of homes for sale and a large number of buyers creating high demand. It can lead to competitive bidding and high prices.A real...
[VIDEO] Shedding Some Light on the Local Real Estate Market
Cedar Rapids/Marion IA Real Estate Market Update_1st qtr 2024 Beth Brockette, of Brockette Homes with Ruhl&Ruhl REALTORS, is here to give you an update on the real estate market as we head into spring. Since about 2018 or 2019, we started seeing a big change in...
4 Ways to Turn Your Bedroom into a Good-Night’s-Sleep Enabler
Just because bedrooms are not usually the first thing people see when walking into a home, it doesnt mean theyre not worthy of some love. There is no better investment than one which gives you peace of mind, and a well-equipped bedroom can give you even more than...
Houseplants for a Healthier Home
Studies show that plants canIncrease o2Most plants release oxygen throughout the day, but some varieties, like orchids and Gerbera daisies, release oxygen at night, too.They might help you sleep better.Improve air qualityPlants help remove toxins that can cause...
Homeowners Insurance: Know What’s Covered
If you plan to lead a conventional life, odds are you will need insurance. Youll need health insurance, car insurance, and eventually home insurance. The latter is often the most perplexing since we have no prior experience with it as we do with health insurance.What...