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Beth: 319-551-8692 | Katie: 319-327-7992


The Case for Double-Paned Windows

Energy loss attributed to windows accounts for nearly 25 percent of the annual heating and cooling costs for the average American home, according to the Department of Energy. Do double-paned windows provide enough savings to justify their cost?Experts say that even a...

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4 Steps to Win a Bidding War

From a buyer’s standpoint, getting into a bidding war for a house they want is never fun. They can offer more money than they ever planned to spend and still end up without the home of their dreams. A real estate agent should be able to tell you ahead of time if...

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The Case for Double-Paned Windows

Energy loss attributed to windows accounts for nearly 25 percent of the annual heating and cooling costs for the average American home, according to the Department of Energy. Do double-paned windows provide enough savings to justify their cost?Experts say that even a...

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4 Steps to Win a Bidding War

From a buyer’s standpoint, getting into a bidding war for a house they want is never fun. They can offer more money than they ever planned to spend and still end up without the home of their dreams. A real estate agent should be able to tell you ahead of time if...

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