Is a door in your home not shutting properly? There may be an issue. Here are some simple fixes for common door problems.
If a Door Isn’t Aligned Correctly…
Try tightening the screws in the hinges near large gaps. If the door is too tight, place a shim behind one of the hinges for proper alignment.
If a Door Rubs Against the Floor or Frame…
Plane the door to remove some wood from its top or bottom.
If a Door Sticks…
Check if the hinges need to be tightened or if any screws are missing. If a screw cant be tightened because the wood is stripped, replace it with a longer screw.
If a Door Doesn’t Latch…
Find the center of the latch, remove the strike plate and adjust its position so it’s lined up with the center of the door latch.
If the door has a strike plate that isn’t adjustable, remove the strike plate and move it closer to the door stop.
Published with permission from RISMedia.