Everyone wants their home to promote a healthy lifestyle, and one of the best ways to achieve this is to ensure that its free of any harsh chemicals and toxins. After all, we spend the majority of our time in our living space, so its crucial that the products and dcor we use support our wellbeing. If you want your home to be as healthy as possible, here are several different types of organic products that can help make it a safer environment.

Cleaning Supplies
From air fresheners to fabric softeners, many of the widely used cleaning products that we bring into our homes are full of nasty chemicals. While they are certainly effective at killing germs, they can also be very unhealthy for people to be around. Fortunately, there are plenty of natural options made entirely from organic ingredients that are just as capable when it comes to cleaning your living space, without compromising the health of you and your loved ones.

In addition to being good for the environment, using organic textiles throughout your home, such as towels, linens and curtains, can be beneficial for your health. For starters, these items are sure to be free of toxins, like volatile organic compounds (VOCs), that are regularly found in household products and can be absorbed through contact with the skin. With organic textiles, you can feel safe knowing that these items are made from natural materials.

Mattresses, too, have been shown to release VOCs due to flame retardant chemicals that are applied to them. Of course, nobody wants to sleep on a flammable mattress, but the good news is that when you remove the synthetic materials, any organic wool or cotton can be used to make comfy mattresses that dont require any flame retardants in order to meet safety standards.

Bath and Body Products
From body washes to bath bombs, the products that we use in the bathroom can certainly have an impact on our health, especially the largest organ: our skin. Organic bath and body products are free of artificial fragrances and chemicals that can dry out your skin, as well as be absorbed into the body, which is why they are a safer alternative for those who want to embrace wellness in their home.

Published with permission from RISMedia.